A P P  C O N C E P T

G a r d e n  o f  K n o w l e d g e

For the fifth semester we had to develop the concept for an AR (Augmented Reality) app for our university to use in order to introduce our school to first semesters and make their campus life easier and more fun. Basically an inner social media for or uni. In the end (after several ideas and back and forth) on the Garden of Knowledge theme.

My idea and concept of the "Selfie-Berry" made it all through and in the end got taken as the main function which made me really happy that I could contribute something and that people enjoyed it.several ideas and back and forth) on the Garden of Knowledge theme.

I got better at modeling plants in the fifth semester since the last time I made the Babol Plant haha. This time I used Blender for the tree and Maya for the flower.

Basically my idea was that students could collect AR berries which grow on plants at the campus and are each themed after a course at our university. After that , they would eat them (visually inside the app) and a plant would grow on their head, varied and based on which type of berry it was (for example an Expanded Realities berry). Thus being able to take cool selfies with it. In the end the idea changed a lot and the plants and all that but that's just what it is when you develop something.

B o n u s  C o n c e p t  M a t e r i a l s

Before the Garden of Knowledge theme we had a space theme for the AR app for which I created Mock Up Illustrations which I just want to share here.