D i s c l a i m e r

I do not own Chupa Chups®©. This showroom is simply a private project for university for educational purposes without sponsorship or real marketing purpose (unless asked to do so by the company itself) and made by students of h_da  (also candy fans).


All rights of the brand logo and products mentioned reserved to Chupa Chups®©

C H U P A  C H U P S

For this third semester project we had to create an interactive advertisement (showroom) prototype for a product of our choice in Virtual Reality. My group chose the product "Chupa Chups" which is a candy brandline. 

We wanted to showcase its fun and nostalgic brand identity and make the users immerse themselves into a world full of color and fun.

Check out our trailer down below.


The group members (linked to their page as well) , I've drawn as lollipop characters.

C O N C E P T  A R T

In the group I took over the role as a creative art director, conceptualist  and texture artist. Most of my ideas or designs were then developed by Noah or Isabel (such as the textures, since she was the shader artist).

Levelgraph by Noah Pfeifer

The showroom is based in a temple in the desert (dessert) and after going in the user will be challenged with different puzzles which can be used by creatively putting the products into use (such as making bubbles by throwing a gum flower in the soda lake). The goal would have been to find the "golden lollipop" in the end which would ascend in the mainroom.

For the start scene, to grasp the idea and the atmosphere we were going for I created this concept art of  the entrance of the candy temple and simplified the scale relations and how the inside should look like. We wanted to include Mini-Lollipop creatures which would walk around in the temple and outside for the users to follow around.

The Mini-Lollipops I actually designed to be arrows and to be shot at a given target to solve puzzles but in the end we just threw them without including a bow. The concept was based on an open world playground, to awaken the feeling of nostalgia and childhood dream. Each product of the brandline has an own interaction. Orginally we planned to have also a room/world for each product from the candyline to be showcased, but since it was just a prototype and semester is limited we had to get settled with a few products and interactions (which is actually a lot :D).

The creator of the logo of Chupa Chups was Salvador Dali himself. As an ode and tribute to him inspired by his famous painting "Metamorphosis of Narcissus" I had the idea to recreate it inside our Candy Oasis by making a soda lake (based on their soda pop product line) with cracked lollipops in it (instead of the eggs) and narcisses popping out of them. As I am writing this, it would have made even more sense, when it was Daisies sprouting out of them, since the logo is a daisy flower. We didn't recreate this pond, but Salvador Dali is being encountered in the desert (dessert) as a Mini- Chupa Chup version :).

Down below are further concept arts and ideas. For example the soda waterfalls and chupa based characters as well as the idea to change feet to lollipop feet to create crackling noises based on the product line "Crazy Dips" or "Melody Pops" woods concept with flying flute lollies.

The mega chupa with bubblegum inside, I thought about making a bubblegum bridge by making the giant lollipops reaching out tongues made out of bubblegum for the user to cross over.

The Babol Plant can be thrown in the lake to create bubbles that can climb on and I did the 3D model (development, animation ect. by colleagues). Again I would do the 3D Model of it totally differently now. 


T E X T U R E  X  S H A D E R

We wanted to create our own shaders and textures since it was such an individual project with specific requirements. My first textures were a bit wonky and it was harder than I thought but turned out nice especially with the shaders from Isabel.


This was my first rigging project and it was seriously demanding. Maybe also because it's made in Maya. Not as in "Bee Maya", but as in the program. In Quill it could have been done faster. But if I had to do it specifically like this rigging again I'd use Blender instead.