Frock 'n' Hop

M u l t i d i m e n s i o n a l  F r o g  R e s t a u r a n t

Welcome to Frock 'n Hop Multidimensional Restaurant. For my Bachelors Project I chose to make a prototype of a Wimmelbuch living sculpture in VR using Quill by Smoothstep. My concept theme is "Bigger on the Inside" which means you can enter small objects which lead to a bigger world inside. In that Multiverse you got there when you got eaten by a frog.  

The restaurant is placed on a space flower inside a shoe because the owners Octa (the octopus ) and Hopper (the frog) who are married an run the shop live in a universe where shoes are designer furniture items. Octa loves collecting shoes and has made it a theme for her restaurant. Hopper likes to collect bottle caps so they compliment each other and create their own flair for their restaurant. They even got featured in the catalog "Heekeyah" by the famous donkey furniture designer. But that is not the only thing which makes this Restaurant deserve 8^4 Michelin stars, it's an overall enjoyable place to be discovered! Please visit Frock 'n' Hop (or not if you can't get eaten by a frog at the moment)! If not physically there is a walkthrough provided for you. The journalist (me) who got sent there recorded it accidentally without sound, so I suggest opening up some Jazz ot lofi to watch it with.

Additionally I want to share my presentation slides which I prepared for my colloquium. I had a really long journey before I decided on Frock 'n' Hop with tons of research and concepts. If you have questions about that, I'd be happy to elaborate more and about your mail.

The slides were are template from this page, I just modified it to my taste 

C o n c e p t  A r t

I actually had planned a second universe which is a Jellyfish-Cyberpunk-Planet-Island and you could get there by going inside the bathtub at the bathroom. But maybe in the future for sure!

A  f e w  s n e a k  p e a k s  (b u t  n o  s p o i l e r s)

F i r s t  Q u i l l  w o r k s

Done with the help of Goro Fujitas tutorials.

First layout scribble to determine lighting and shape.

B o n u s:   C o n c e p t  A r t   f r o m  o t h e r  i d e a s