P O L L U T E D  W A T E R S

Our university h-da is part of EUT+, which is an alignment by several universities across Europe. My group (Niklas Meisch, Philipp Petry, Namgar Mardvaeva, Alvaro Pazmino and me :) got tasked to create an educative experience using a cooperative experiences between CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) and Virtual Reality HMD (Head Mounted Display), for one university and one of its courses. We chose Naval Studies which is a course being taught at the Universidad Politécnica Cartagena with the topic ocean pollution to create awareness and encourage action.

We made the CAVE user (teacher role) direct a submarine and the VR User (student role) to be a diver tasked with different duties of environmental aiding methods.

C o n c e p t  A  r  t

D e v e l o p m e n t  i n  U n i t y 3 D  (C#)

Ghost Nets interaction - freeing the trapped fish

I worked on the fish net interaction  and the net physics plus the fish state machine. It was very challenging since this is not my strong suit, but in the end it turned out great.

I first worked on the code by attaching it to primitives.

Buoy Attachment

The buoy is blown up with helium then attached to the net to make the net float to the surface of the ocean in order to prevent pollution.

S o u n d  D e s i g n  o f  t h e  D i v e r  i n  V R

Here is a complete walkthrough of the experience if interested. With Sound Design. The submarine sound design is from my group mate Namgar. The diver's sound was my task and we used the software Reaper for that.

To reach out to the students we created a poster in order to get insight and perhaps inspiration from the students of Cartagena since the city is located next to a sea which suffers from pollution Mar Menor.

B o n u s

At first we had also invented a concept for a tool which was basically a physical, real universal gadget for the CAVE user for teaching and communicating purposes. The CAVE user could highlight areas and make them see through or guide the VR user through mechanics of the submarine.